i would not worry as much about the single machine specs.  find the
sweet spot on price for CPU and RAM and by that, then scale horizontal
to meet your demand.

but .. if i was pressed for a general statement -choose RAM over CPU

On Fri, Oct 12, 2012 at 4:34 AM, Serge Fonville
<serge.fonvi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It seems you RAM/core ratio is different between your options.
> So if those two are your only options I'd suggest the 16GB option.
> Still, the other things
> * Concurrency
> * Fit in ram
> * IO
> Are very relevant.
> Kind regards/met vriendelijke groet,
> Serge Fonville
> http://www.sergefonville.nl
> Convince Microsoft!
> They need to add TRUNCATE PARTITION in SQL Server
> https://connect.microsoft.com/SQLServer/feedback/details/417926/truncate-partition-of-partitioned-table
> 2012/10/12 Romain HARDOUIN <romain.hardo...@urssaf.fr>
>> Also, take into account i/o since they are often a limiting factor.

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