Sorry, auto correct changed 'myself' to 'mysql'. Sorry for the confusion...

On Nov 24, 2012, at 9:29 AM, "Michael Kjellman" <> wrote:

> Some people (myself included) have seen issues when upgrading from 1.1.2
> to 1.1.6 with tombstoned rows in the HintsColumnFamily
> Some (mysql included) have fixed this by doing a
> nodetool scrub system HintsColumnFamily
> -mike
> On 11/24/12 7:37 AM, "Chuan-Heng Hsiao" <> wrote:
>> Hi Cassandra Devs,
>> I intended to reduce the size of the db by the following steps:
>> 1. removing all keys from one cf (somehow I can get all keys from the cf).
>> 2. run nodetool cleanup on that cf one-node-by-one-node.
>> the size of the cf on one node is about 150 G,
>> I've made another cf with the same data of that cf,
>> and the new cf is only about 70G. It's the main reason
>> why I want to remove the data in the original cf.
>> The reason that I did not directly remove the cf is because it seems
>> not good to
>> change the schema after inserting a lot of data.
>> However, I continue seeing the following in /var/log/cassandra/system.log
>> INFO [HintedHandoff:1] 2012-11-24 22:58:28,088
>> (line 296) Started hinted handoff for token:
>> 27949589543905115548813332729343195104 with IP: /
>> INFO [HintedHandoff:1] 2012-11-24 22:58:28,089
>> (line 392) Finished hinted handoff of 0 rows
>> to endpoint /
>> every ten mins.
>> (It seems fall into some infinite loop.)
>> I am wondering whether it is really some infinite loop?
>> Or it is just dealing with a lot of tombstone data?
>> Sincerely,
>> Hsiao
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