What's wrong with multiget…parallel performance is great from multiple disks 
and so usually that is a good thing.

Also, something looks wrong, since you have list<binary> keys, I would expect 
the Map to be Map<binary, list<ColumnOrSuperColumn>>

Are you sure you have that correct?  IF you set range to 100, it should be 100 
columns each row but it never hurts to run the code and verify.

PlayOrm Developer

From: Wei Zhu <wz1...@yahoo.com<mailto:wz1...@yahoo.com>>
Reply-To: "user@cassandra.apache.org<mailto:user@cassandra.apache.org>" 
<user@cassandra.apache.org<mailto:user@cassandra.apache.org>>, Wei Zhu 
Date: Monday, December 10, 2012 2:07 PM
To: Cassandr usergroup 
Subject: multiget_slice SlicePredicate

I know it's probably not a good idea to use multiget, but for my use case, it's 
the only choice,

I have question regarding the SlicePredicate argument of the multiget_slice

The SlicePredicate takes slice_range which takes start, end and range. I 
suppose start and end will apply to each individual row. How about range, is it 
a accumulative column count of all the rows or to the individual row?
If I set range to 100, is it 100 columns per row, or total?

Thanks for you reply,


map<string,list<ColumnOrSuperColumn>> multiget_slice(list<binary> keys, 
ColumnParent column_parent, SlicePredicate predicate, ConsistencyLevel 

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