Have to help out on a design without specifics but here is some advice based on 
the limited information

Primary key : yes, must be cluster unique.  TimeUUID or UUID….PlayOrm has very 
unique TimeUUID like keys as in this one 7AL2S8Y.b1 (b1 is the hostname and the 
prefix is a "unique" timestamp but generated to a shorter string(ah, nice 
readable primary keys).

There are some patterns you can look into here that may help 

If you can partition your data virtually, it may help a lot so you can query 
into the partitions.


Reply-To: "user@cassandra.apache.org<mailto:user@cassandra.apache.org>" 
Date: Tuesday, December 11, 2012 2:49 PM
To: "user@cassandra.apache.org<mailto:user@cassandra.apache.org>" 
Subject: Primary/secondary index question / best practices?

m my reading, it seems like I need a UUID column that will be my primary index, 
and then I should set up secondary indexes on the 8-10 primary search columns.  
Am I understanding this correctly?  Any advice you can offer on this would be 
tremendously helpful.  I’m quite limited in how specific I can be about the 
data, of course.

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