
I'm not an expert but I don't think you can do what you want. The way to
separate data for applications on the same cluster is to use different
tables for different applications or use multiple keyspaces, a keyspace per
application. The replication factor you specify for each keyspace specifies
how many copies of the data are stored in each datacenter.

You can't specify that data for a particular application is stored on a
specific node, unless that node is in its own cluster.

I think of a cassandra cluster as a shared resource where all the
applications have access to all the nodes in the cluster.


Jabbar Azam

On 11 April 2013 14:13, Matthias Zeilinger <matthias.zeilin...@bwinparty.com
> wrote:

>  Hi,****
> ** **
> I would like to create big cluster for many applications.****
> Within this cluster I would like to separate the data for each
> application, which can be easily done via different virtual datacenters and
> the correct replication strategy.****
> What I would like to know, if I can specify for 1 node multiple values in
> the PropertyFileSnitch configuration, so that I can use 1 node for more
> applications?****
> For example:****
> 6 nodes:****
> 3 for App A****
> 3 for App B****
> 4 for App C****
> ** **
> I want to have such a configuration:****
> Node 1 – DC-A& DC-C****
> Node 2 – DC-B & DC-C****
> Node 3 – DC-A & DC-C****
> Node 4 – DC-B & DC-C****
> Node 5 – DC-A****
> Node 6 – DC-B****
> ** **
> Is this possible or does anyone have another solution for this?****
> ** **
> ** **
> Thx & br matthias****

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