Folks, Any thoughts on this? I am still in the learning process. So any
guidance will be of great help.

*Raihan Jamal*

On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 10:39 PM, Raihan Jamal <>wrote:

> I have started working on a project in which I am using `Cassandra
> database`.
> Our production DBA's have setup `two cluster` and each cluster will have
> `12 nodes`.
> I will be using `Pelops client` to read the data from Cassandra database.
> Now I am thinking what's the best way to create `Cluster` using `Pelops
> client` like how many nodes I should add while creating cluster?
> My understanding was to create the cluster with all the `24 nodes` as I
> will be having two cluster each with 12 nodes? This is the right approach?
> *If not, then how we decide what nodes (from each cluster) I should add
> while creating the cluster using Pelops client?
> *
>     String[] nodes = cfg.getStringArray("cassandra.servers");
>     int port = cfg.getInt("cassandra.port");
>     boolean dynamicND = true; // dynamic node discovery
>     Config casconf = new Config(port, true, 0);
>     Cluster cluster = new Cluster(nodes, casconf, dynamicND);
>     Pelops.addPool(Const.CASSANDRA_POOL, cluster, Const.CASSANDRA_KS);
> Can anyone help me out with this?
> Any help will be appreciated.
> **

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