On Mon, Jun 17, 2013 at 8:37 AM, Ben Boule <ben_bo...@rapid7.com> wrote:
> We are in Beta, we have a very small (2 node) cluster that we created with
> 1.2.1.


May be relevant?

What RF is this cluster? Given beta and cluster size and data size
this small, I would probably just dump and reload instead of trying to
make shuffle work.


> Being new to this we did not enable vnodes, and we got bit hard by
> the default token generation in production after setting up lots of
> development & QA clusters without running into the problem.

It will perhaps be some consolation to hear that this insane
misfeature of automatic token assignment by range bisection is finally
going away in Cassandra 2.0.

> Any advice?  We are planning to migrate to 2.0 later this summer but
> probably don't want to build it from the beta source ourself right now.

Eric Evans gave a talk at the summit during which he attempted to
communicate that people probably shouldn't use shuffle. Given that he
is the one who wrote the shuffle patch, this seems like a meaningful
data point... :)


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