On 10.09.2013, at 02:34, "Laing, Michael" <michael.la...@nytimes.com> wrote:

> I have seen something similar.
> Of course correlation is not causation...

Thanks for sharing - interesting. However, I still find it confusing that C* 
does not refuse service befor it dies. Maybe that is a by-product of the SEDA 
architecture, though.

I switched back from hsha to sync and increased memtable max size and heap. 
That did the trick. Now it flies.


> Like you, doing testing with heavy writes.
> I was using a python client to drive the writes using the cql module which is 
> thrift based.
> The correlation I eventually tracked down was that whichever node my python 
> client(s) connected to eventually ran out of memory because it could not gain 
> enough back by flushing memtables. It was just a matter of time.
> I switched to the new python-driver client and the problem disappeared.
> I have now been able to return almost all parameters to defaults and get out 
> the business of manually managing the JVM heap, to my great relief!
> Currently, I have to retool my test harness as I have been unable to drive 
> C*2.0.0 to destruction (yet).
> Michael
> On Mon, Sep 9, 2013 at 8:11 PM, Jan Algermissen <jan.algermis...@nordsc.com> 
> wrote:
> I have a strange pattern: In a cluster with three equally dimensioned and 
> configured nodes I keep loosing one because apparently it fails to flush its 
> memtables:
> http://twitpic.com/dcrtel
> It is a different node every time.
> So far I understand that I should expect to see the chain-saw graph when 
> memtables are build up and then get flushed. But what about that third node? 
> Has anyone seen something similar?
> Jan
> C* dsc 2.0 ,  3x 4GB, 2CPU nodes with heavy writes of 70 col-rows (aprox 10 
> of those rows per wide row)
> I have turned off caches, reduced overall memtable and set flush-wroters to 
> 2,  rpc_reader and writer threads to 1.

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