Thanks, I'll give that a try.

Is there a way to do this without JMX? I wouldn't know now to run a JMX
console on my production servers without a graphical interface.

On Mon, Oct 7, 2013 at 3:29 PM, Michał Michalski <> wrote:

> I had similar issue (reported many times here, there's also a JIRA issue,
> but people reporting this problem were unable to reproduce it).
> What I can say is that for me the solution was to run major compaction on
> the index CF via JMX. To be clear - we're not talking about compacting the
> CF that IS indexed (your CF), but the internal Cassandra's one, which is
> responsible for storing index data.
> MBean you should look for looks like this:
> org.apache.cassandra.db:type=**IndexColumnFamilies,keyspace=<**
> KS>,columnfamily=<CF>.<IDX>
> M.
> W dniu 07.10.2013 15:22, Tom van den Berge pisze:
>  On a 2-node cluster with replication factor 2, I have a column family with
>> an index on one of the columns.
>> Every now and then, I notice that a lookup of the record through the index
>> on node 1 produces the record, but the same lookup on node 2 does not! If
>> I
>> do a lookup by row key, the record is found, and the indexed value is
>> there.
>> So as far as I can tell, the index on one of the nodes looses values, and
>> is no longer in sync with the other node, even though the replication
>> factor requires it. I typically repair these issues by storing the indexed
>> column value again.
>> The indexed data is static data; it doesn't change.
>> I'm running cassandra 1.2.3. I'm running a nodetool repair on each node
>> every day (although this does not fix this problem).
>> This problem worries me a lot. I don't have a clue about the cause of it.
>> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
>> Tom


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