
I'm playing with collections in CQL.  I'm trying to drop a
list and create a map with the same name, but I'm getting: "Bad
Request: comparators do not match or are not compatible."

# table setup
cqlsh:os_test1> create table thetable(id timeuuid primary key, somevalue text);
cqlsh:os_test1> alter table thetable add mycollection list<text>;

# drop list and replace with map
cqlsh:os_test1> alter table thetable drop mycollection;
cqlsh:os_test1> alter table thetable add mycollection map<text,text>;
Bad Request: comparators do not match or are not compatible.

Creating a map with a different name works fine. 

Is this a bug, a limitation or am I doing something wrong? 

(Cassandra 2.0.2)

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