On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 4:11 AM, Prabath Abeysekara <
prabathabeysek...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Just want to know whether the $subject is recommended. Because, I've seen
> some of the Oracle(Sun) specific packages "sun.misc.*" are being used in a
> few places in Cassandra code base, which is not interoperable. So, it would
> be great if someone can shed some light as to what extent it is recommended
> to use with Java implementations other than Oracle(Sun).

The codebase passive aggressively tells you to "upgrade" your JVM if you
use a non-Oracle environment.

The summary seems to be that Cassandra mostly works with OpenJDK, but that
it is not supported, common, or recommended. Community experiences
indicates that you will encounter far more issues with OpenJDK 6 than 7.
Cassandra 2.0 requires Java 7...

In summary, unless you absolutely *must* use OpenJDK, you should use the
Oracle/Sun JVM/JDK.


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