> So now i will try to patch my cassandra 1.2.11 installation but i just wanted 
> to ask you guys first, if there is any other solution that does not involve a 
> release.
That patch in CASSANDRA-6311 is for 2.0 you cannot apply it to 1.2

> but when i am using the java driver, the driver already uses row key for 
> token statements and i cannot execute the query above, therefore it does a 
> full scan of rows.
The  ColumnFamilyRecordReader is designed to read lots of rows, not a single 

You should be able to use the java driver from a hadoop task though to read a 
single row. Can you provide some more info on what you are doing ? 


Aaron Morton
New Zealand

Co-Founder & Principal Consultant
Apache Cassandra Consulting

On 26/12/2013, at 9:56 pm, mete <efk...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello  folks, 
> i have come up with a basic time series cql schema based on the articles here:
> http://www.datastax.com/dev/blog/advanced-time-series-with-cassandra
> so simply put its something like:
> rowkey, timestamp, col3, col4 etc... 
> where rowkey and timestamp are compound keys.
> Where i am having issues is to efficiently query this data structure. 
> When i use cqlsh and query it is perfectly fine:
> select * from table where rowkey='row key' and date > xxx and date <= yyy
> but when i am using the java driver, the driver already uses row key for 
> token statements and i cannot execute the query above, therefore it does a 
> full scan of rows.
> The issue that i am having is discussed here:
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19189649/composite-key-in-cassandra-with-pig
> i have gone through the relevant jira issues 6151 and 6311. This behaviour is 
> supposed to be fixed in 2.0.x but so far it is not there. So now i will try 
> to patch my cassandra 1.2.11 installation but i just wanted to ask you guys 
> first, if there is any other solution that does not involve a release.
> i assume that this is somewhat a common use case, the articles i referred 
> seems to be old enough and unless i am missing something obvious i cannot 
> query this schema efficiently with the current version (1.2.x or 2.0.x)
> Does anyone has a similar issue? Any pointers are welcome.
> Regards
> Mete

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