Hi, All,

I need to paginate all columns in a row. but can not  to use 
RowQuery.autoPaginate() method to do this
due to some requirements.

All columns are composite column and I need to get next 'page' by a separated 

Here is my pseudo codes (page size =3):
ColumList<C>  result = query.execute().getResult()  //get first 3 columns  A

//last column of this query
Column<C> lastColumn = result.getColumnByIndex(result.size()-1);

//not try to get next page
RowQuery<C> query = keyspace.prepareQuery(someCf).getKey(someRow)
         .limit(3));  // page size =3

result = query.execute().getResult();  //B

I created 10 columns in the CF, I can get the first 3 columns after A
But get zero columns at B, which is unexpected.

I've verified that there are 10 columns in the CF.  So there must be something 
wrong with my second query.

Can anyone tell me what's wrong with the second query?

Thanks a lot


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