Hector has round robin and failover. Is there a particular kind of failover
you're looking for?

by default Hector will try another node if the first node it connects to is
down. It's been that way since the 1.x client if I'm not mistaken.

On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 9:41 AM, rubbish me <rubbish...@googlemail.com>wrote:

> Hi all,
> We have been using Cassandra for more than 3 years and now we have a
> cluster in production still running on 1.1.x contains dynamic-columned
> column-families - with hector as client.
> We are trying to update to the latest 1.2.x and considering to use
> datastax client in order to utilise some of its round robin / failover
> goodness.
> We bumped on to a few walls however when converting our thrift based
> client code to CQL.  We read through the docs + datastax dev blog entires
> like: this <http://www.datastax.com/dev/blog/thrift-to-cql3> and 
> this<http://www.datastax.com/dev/blog/cql3-for-cassandra-experts>.
> However they are mostly focus on reading from an existing dynamic cf, run
> some alter table statements, and reading it again.
> Very little about how to insert / update.
> So there comes my questions:
> -  *Is there any way to do insert / update at all on a good old wide cf
> using CQL?   Based on what we read back out, we have tried:*
> INSERT INTO cf_name(key, column1, value) VALUES ('key1',
> 'columnName1','columnValue2')
> But we ended up with "Unknown identifier column1"
> -  *About read -  One of our cf is defined with a secondary index.  So
> the schema looks something like:*
> create column family cf_with_index
>   with column_type = 'Standard'
>   and comparator = 'UTF8Type'
>   and default_validation_class = 'UTF8Type'
>   and key_validation_class = 'UTF8Type'
>   and column_metadata = [
>     {column_name : 'indexed_column',
>     validation_class : UTF8Type,
>     index_name : 'column_idx',
>     index_type : 0}];
> When reading from cli, we will see all columns, data as you expected:
> --
> -------------------
> RowKey: rowkey1
> => (name=c1, value=v1, timestamp=xxx, ttl=604800)
> => (name=c2, value=v2, timestamp=xxx, ttl=604800)
> => (name=c3, value=v3, timestamp=xxx, ttl=604800)
> => (name=indexed_column, value=value1, timestamp=xxx, ttl=604800)
> -------------------
> However when we Query via CQL, we only get the indexed column:
> SELECT * FROM cf_with_index WHERE key = 'rowkey1';
> key       | indexed_column
> -----------+------------
> rowkey1   | value1
> Any way to get the rest?
> -  *Obtaining TTL and writetime on these wide rows  - we tried:*
> *SELECT key, column1, value, writetime(value), ttl(value) FROM cf LIMIT 1;*
> *It works, but a bit clumsy.  Is there a better way?*
> -  *We can live with thrift.  Is there any way / plan to let us to
> execute thrift with datastax driver?  Hector seems not active anymore.*
> Many thanks in advanced,
> A

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