Hi Rob,

we need this for the worst case scenario, so our intention is to restore the 
entire cluster, not a single node.
I am really not sure what the correct procedure would be. I think we have 
configured everything properly so the nodes are archiving the commitlogs (even 
though I am not sure when exactly a single commitlog gets archived) but we 
could not manage to recover a database from those archived commitlogs. What we 
did was:

1. Insert "good" data into the cluster
2. Take a snapshot
3. Insert "good" data into the cluster
4. Note Timestamp
5. Insert "bad" data into the cluster
6. Shut down whole cluster
7. Delete SSTables and restore from snapshot
8. Set Timestamp in commitlog_archiving.properties and restart the nodes

The archived commitlogs are copied to the restore directory and afterwards 
cassandra is replaying those commitlogs but still we only see the data from the 
snapshot, not the commitlogs.


P.S.: Cassandra 2.0.6

Am 10.04.2014 23:17, schrieb Robert Coli:
On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 1:19 AM, Dennis Schwan 
<dennis.sch...@1und1.de<mailto:dennis.sch...@1und1.de>> wrote:
do you know any description how to perform a point-in-time recovery
using the archived commitlogs?
We have already tried several things but it just did not work.

Are you restoring the entire *cluster* to a point in time, or a given node? And 

The only people who are likely to have any experience/expertise with that 
archived commitlog stuff are the people from Netflix who contributed it.


Dennis Schwan

Oracle DBA
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