Yep - too easy. It does not matter what you use (CQL3, Pojo Mapper ;) or 
whatever). And I guess it's easier for a "pure Java coder knowing nothing about 
C*" to start with a mapper. But in the end you should know what's going on - 
since you will be in the position to fix bugs and performance issues. And I 
think there's no opposition when I say that it's better to prevent bugs ;)
The easiest way to learn things is just to start using it - play with it - make 
tests - dig around - build a prototype - benchmarks - performance tests - again 
and again. But throw away your prototype - start from scratch - with the 
lessons learned in mind :)

Am 22.07.2014 um 22:37 schrieb DuyHai Doan <>:

> "I surmise if you are using a mapper, it should be more a matter of knowing 
> how the annotations map to the back-end rather than the CQL"
>  It would be too easy. You should also know how the CQL3 maps to underlying 
> data storage.
> On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 10:33 PM, jcllings <> wrote:
> On 07/22/2014 01:11 PM, Robert Stupp wrote:
>> Let me respond with another question: How important is SQL for a JPA 
>> developer?
>> ...
>> IMO mappers help and make life easier. Period.
>> Means: you should always know what the "thing" does to read/write your data. 
>> Practically not down to the details - but the concepts and pitfalls should 
>> be known.
>> If you don't you will get into trouble - sooner or later.
>> Robert
>> PS: I avoid the abbreviation ORM - it includes the term "relational" ;)
> Agreed. That is why in previous posts I've been calling it "PoJo Mapping".  
> When someone suggests I try on yet another hat, though, I get a little 
> excited. ;-)  
> In this case I've been wearing the ORM / RDBMS hat for long enough that I 
> actually don't think about it much. So your point is made. I've already been 
> wearing the hat in question.  I surmise if you are using a mapper, it should 
> be more a matter of knowing how the annotations map to the back-end rather 
> than the CQL. This may make the transition easier, because as you say, it 
> eliminates the cruft. 
> Jim C. 

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