Checkout differentiators between thrift n cql3. Storage engine is same but
they differs in metadata. Prior to 2.0 it was mix of both. I would still
suggest the same. Checkout earlier threads around map collection support,
bulk loading, dynamic column support comparison b/w thrift and cql3. Ease
of use is just a simple aspect.
On 28/07/2014 9:21 pm, "bi kro" <> wrote:

>  Hi every one,
> I'm newcomer to Cassandra, so I would like to know about performance
> between Thrift (Hector) vs CQL3, specially about the speed (Thrift based on
> RPC, CQL3 based on binary protocol).
> Currently I'm using Cassandra 1.2 , which version CQL3 of
> JavaDriver-Datastax is stable for it?
> Thanks very much

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