If you want true integration of Cassandra and Hadoop and Spark then you will 
need to use Datastax Enterprise (DSE).  There are connectors that will allow 
MapReduce over vanilla Cassandra, however, they are just making requests to 
Cassandra under the covers while DSE uses CFS which is similar to HDFS.

On August 26, 2014 at 9:23:38 AM, Oliver Ruebenacker (cur...@gmail.com) wrote:


  I read that Cassandra has had MapReduce integration since early on. There are 
instructions on how to use Hadoop or Spark. However, it appears to me that 
according to these instructions, Hadoop and Spark just submit requests to 
Cassandra just like any other client would. So, I'm not sure what is meant by 

  Any pointers? Thanks!


Oliver Ruebenacker
Solutions Architect at Altisource Labs
Be always grateful, but never satisfied.

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