On Mon, Oct 27, 2014 at 1:33 PM, Tim Heckman <t...@pagerduty.com> wrote:

> I know that when issuing some operations via nodetool, the command blocks
> until the operation is finished. However, is there a way to reliably
> determine whether or not the operation has finished without monitoring that
> invocation of nodetool?
> In other words, when I run 'nodetool repair' what is the best way to
> reliably determine that the repair is finished without running something
> equivalent to a 'pgrep' against the command I invoked? I am curious about
> trying to do the same for major compactions too.

This is beyond a FAQ at this point, unfortunately; non-incremental repair
is awkward to deal with and probably impossible to automate.

In The Future [1] the correct solution will be to use incremental repair,
which mitigates but does not solve this challenge entirely.

As brief meta commentary, it would have been nice if the project had spent
more time optimizing the operability of the critically important thing you
must do once a week [2].


[1] http://www.datastax.com/dev/blog/anticompaction-in-cassandra-2-1
[2] Or, more sensibly, once a month with gc_grace_seconds set to 34 days.

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