Be very very careful not to perform blocking calls to ElasticSearch in your
trigger otherwise you will kill C* performance. The biggest danger of the
triggers in their current state is that they are on the write path.

In your trigger, you can try to push the mutation asynchronously to ES but
in this case it will mean managing a thread pool and all related issues.

Not even mentioning atomicity issues like: what happen if the update to ES
fails  or the connection times out ? etc ...

As an alternative, instead of implementing yourself the integration with
ES, you can have a look at Datastax Enterprise integration of Cassandra
with Apache Solr (not free) or some open-source alternatives like Stratio
or TupleJump fork of Cassandra with Lucene integration.

On Wed, Jan 7, 2015 at 2:40 PM, Asit KAUSHIK <>

> HI All,
> We are trying to integrate elasticsearch with Cassandra and as the river
> plugin uses select * from any table it seems to be bad performance choice.
> So i was thinking of inserting into elasticsearch using Cassandra trigger.
> So i wanted your view does a Cassandra Trigger impacts the performance of
> read/Write of Cassandra.
> Also any other way you guys achieve this please guide me. I am struck on
> this .
> Regards
> Asit

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