I use solr and cassandra but not together.  I write what I want indexed into 
solr (and only unstructured data), and related data into either cassandra or 
oracle.  I use the same key across all three db's.

When I need full text search etc, I read the data from solr, grab the keys, and 
go get the data from the other db's.

This avoids conflation of concerns, isolates failures, but is dependent upon 
multiple writes.  I use a message bus and services based approach.

In my experience, at scale this approach works better and avoids vendor lock in.

Colin Clark 
+1 612 859 6129
Skype colin.p.clark

> On Feb 2, 2015, at 7:25 AM, Asit KAUSHIK <asitkaushikno...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I tried elasticsearch but pulling up the data from Cassandra is a big pain. 
> The river pulls up all the the data everytime and no incremental approach. 
> Its a great product but i had to change my writing approach which i am just 
> doing in Cassandra from .net client .
> Also you have to create a separate infrastructure for elasticsearch.
> Agin this is what i found with limited analysis on elasticsearch
> Regards
> Asit
>> On Mon, Feb 2, 2015 at 11:43 AM, Asit KAUSHIK <asitkaushikno...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>> Also there is a project as Stargate-Core which gives the utility of querying 
>> with wildcard characters. 
>> the location is 
>> https://github.com/tuplejump/stargate-core/releases/tag/0.9.9
>> it supports the 2.0.11 version of cassandra..
>> Also elasticsearch is another product but pumping the data from Cassandra is 
>> a bad option in elasticsearch. You have to design you write such that you 
>> write on both.
>> But i am using the Stargate-Core personally & its very easy to implement and 
>> use
>> Hope this add a cent to you evaluation on this topic
>> Regards
>> Asit
>> On Sun, Feb 1, 2015 at 10:45 PM, Mark Reddy <mark.l.re...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> If you have a list of usernames stored in your cassandra database,
>>>> how could you find all usernames starting with 'Jo'?
>>> Cassandra does not support full text search on its own, if you are looking 
>>> into DataStax enterprise Cassandra there is an integration with Slor that 
>>> gives you this functionality. 
>>> Personally for projects I work on that use Cassandra and require full text 
>>> search, the necessary data is indexed into Elasticsearch.
>>>> Or ... if this is not possible,
>>>> what are you using cassandra for?
>>> If you are looking for use cases here is a comprehensive set from companies 
>>> spanning many industries: 
>>> http://planetcassandra.org/apache-cassandra-use-cases/
>>> Regards,
>>> Mark
>>>> On 1 February 2015 at 16:05, anton <anto...@gmx.de> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I was just reading about cassandra and playing a little
>>>> with it (using django www.djangoproject.com on the web server).
>>>> One thing that I realized now is that fulltext search
>>>> as in a normal sql statement (example):
>>>>   select name from users where name like 'Jo%';
>>>> Simply does not work because this functionality does not exist.
>>>> After reading and googeling and reading ...
>>>> I still do not understand how I could use a db without this
>>>> functionality (If I do not want to restrict myself on numerical data).
>>>> So my question is:
>>>> If you have a list of usernames stored in your cassandra database,
>>>> how could you find all usernames starting with 'Jo'?
>>>> Or ... if this is not possible,
>>>> what are you using cassandra for?
>>>> Actually I still did not get the point of how I could use cassandra :-(
>>>> Anton

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