Hi Fabien,

Thank you for the link ! That’s exactly what we want to do.
But before starting this, we need to clean up the mess in order to get a clean 

Thanks for your help.

Best regards,




T : +33 411 934 200


ZAC Aéroport

125 Impasse Adam Smith

34470 Pérols - France



De : Fabien Rousseau [mailto:fab...@yakaz.com]
Envoyé : mercredi 18 mars 2015 17:32
À : user
Objet : Re: Problems after trying a migration

Hi David,

There is an excellent article which describes exactly what you want to do (ie 
migrate from one DC to another DC) :

2015-03-18 17:05 GMT+01:00 David CHARBONNIER 

We’re using Cassandra through the Datastax Enterprise package in version 4.5.1 
(Cassandra version with 7 nodes in a single datacenter.

We need to move our Cassandra cluster from France to another country. To do 
this, we want to add a second 7-nodes datacenter to our cluster and stream all 
data between the two countries before dropping the first datacenter.

On January 31st, we tried doing so but we had some problems:

-          New nodes in the other country have been installed like French nodes 
except for Datastax Enterprise version (4.5.1 in France and 4.6.1 in the other 
country which means Cassandra version in France and in the 
other country)

-          The following procedure has been followed: 
 but an error occurred during step 3. New nodes have been started before the 
cassandra-topology.properties file has been updated on the original datacenter. 
New nodes appeared in the original datacenter instead of the new one.

-          To recover our original cluster, we decommissionned every node of 
the new datacenter with the nodetool decommission command.

On February 9th, nodes in the second datacenter have been restarted and joined 
the cluster. We had to decommission them just like before.

On February 11th, we added disk space on our 7 running French nodes. To achieve 
this, we restarted the cluster but the nodes updated their perring informations 
and nodes from Luxembourg (decommissionned on February 9th) were present. This 
behaviour is described here: 
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-7825. So we cleaned 
system.peers table content.

On March 11th, we needed to add an 8th node to our existing French cluster. We 
installed the same Datastax Enterprise version (4.5.1 with Cassandra 
and tried to add this node to the cluster with this procedure: 
 In OPSCenter, the node was joining the cluster and data streaming got stuck at 
100%. After several hours, nodetool status showed us that the node was still 
joining but nothing in the logs let us know there was a problem. We restarted 
the node but it has no effect. Then we cleaned data and commitlog contents and 
try to add the node to the cluster again but without result.
Last try was to add the node with auto_bootstrap : false in order to add the 
node to the cluster manually but it messed up with the data. So we shut down 
the node and decommissioned it (with nodetool removenode). The whole cluster 
has been repaired and we stopped doing anything.

Now, our cluster has only 7 French nodes in which we can’t add any node. The 
OPSCenter data has disapeared and we work without any information about how our 
cluster is running.

You’ll find attached to this email our current configuration and a screenshot 
of our OPSCenter metric page.

Do you have some idea on how to clean up the mess and get our cluster running 
cleanly before we start our migration (France to another country like described 
in the beginning of this email)?

Thank you.

Best regards,




T : +33 411 934 200


ZAC Aéroport

125 Impasse Adam Smith

34470 Pérols - France



Fabien Rousseau


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