just a guess, gc?

On Mon, Jul 20, 2015 at 3:15 PM, Marcin Pietraszek <mpietras...@opera.com>

> Hello!
> I've noticed a strange CPU utilisation patterns on machines in our
> cluster. After C* daemon restart it behaves in a normal way, after a
> few weeks since a restart CPU usage starts to raise. Currently on one
> of the nodes (screenshots attached) cpu load is ~4. Shortly before
> restart load raises to ~15 (our cassandra machines have 16 cpus).
> In that cluster we're using bulkloading from hadoop cluster with 1400
> reducers (200 parallel bulkloading tasks). After such session of heavy
> bulkloading number of pending compactions is quite high but it's able
> to clear them before next "bulkloading session". We're also tracking
> number of pending compactions and during most of the time it's 0.
> On our machines we do have a few gigs of free memory ~7GB (17GB used),
> also it seems like we aren't IO bound.
> Screenshots from our zabbix with CPU utilisation graphs:
> http://i60.tinypic.com/xas8q8.jpg
> http://i58.tinypic.com/24pifcy.jpg
> Do you guys know what could be causing such high load?
> --
> mp

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