There is no difference.

In #2, I'm guessing you're confusing using some of the column names as
keys.  You could also do getendpoints Mykeyspace Mytable 'foo' and
Mykeyspace Mytable 'bar'

getendpoints does not require any data in your column family to function;
it only requires a schema for the column family so it can convert the 3rd
argument into the native representation in order to hash it.  That hash and
the token/vnode ownership range for each node in the cluster determines
which node "owns" that specific key.  The replication factor (from the
keyspace argument) along with the topology determines which additional
nodes own replicas of that key.

Since each getendpoints query returned two nodes, that indicates your
keyspaces has RF=2 (also the fact that the sum of your ring has 200%
ownership indicates RF=2).

On Mon, Jul 20, 2015 at 10:38 AM, Thouraya TH <> wrote:

> Please, what is the difference between 1) and 2)
> Bests.
> 2015-07-20 12:55 GMT+01:00 Thouraya TH <>:
>> Hi all,
>> Please, is that possible to change this command:
>> nodetool getendpoints MyKeyspace MyTable text
>> to
>> nodetool getendpoints MyKeyspace MyTable text="Hello"  ?
>> is there a solution to get more details about mes rows ?
>> Thanks a lot.
>> Best Regards.

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