Can anyone take this one?



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From:"Anuj Wadehra" <>
Date:Thu, 23 Jul, 2015 at 10:57 pm
Subject:Manual Indexing With Buckets

We have a primary table and we need search capability by batchid column. So we 
are creating a manual index for search by batch id. We are using buckets to 
restrict a row size in batch id index table to 50mb. As batch size may vary 
drastically ( ie one batch id may be associated to 100k row keys in primary 
table while other may be associated with 100million row keys), we are creating 
a metadata table to track the approximate data while insertions for a batch in 
primary table, so that batch id index table has dynamic no of buckets/rows. As 
more data is inserted for a batch in primary table, new set of 10 buckets are 
added. At any point in time, clients will write to latest 10 buckets created 
for a batch od index in round robin  to avoid hotspots.

Comments required on the following:

1. I want to know any suggestios on above design?

2. Whats the best approach for updating/deleting from index table. When a row 
is manually purged from primary table, we dont know where that row key exists 
in x number of buckets created for its batch id? 



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