Denormalize your data to support the query, e.g.:

CREATE TABLE name_by_cust_id (cust_id int, name text, PRIMARY KEY
> (cust_id));
> SELECT name WHERE cust_id = 3;

For additional queries, similarly denormalize.

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covering this thoroughly.

On Sun, Sep 6, 2015 at 2:59 PM, ssaitalatech <> wrote:

> Sent from Samsung Mobile.
>    1. Hi All,
>    1. I am trying to model  RDBMS joins into cassandra. As I am new to
>    cassandra, I need your help/suggestion on this.  Below is the information
>    regarding the query:
>    2.
>    3. I have a query in RDBMS as follows:
>    4.
>    5. select from  Table1 t1, Table2 t2, Table3 t3, Table4 t4
>    where
>    6. t2.cust_id = 3 and t4.sid = t1.sid and t1.colid = t2.colid  and
>    t4.cid = t3.cid
>    7.
>    8.
>    9. Now, trying to make a shimilar query in cassandra:
>    10.
>    11. As per my learning experience in Cassandra, I got the below 2
>    solutions: (as cassandra does not support joins)
>    12.
>    13. ****Solution 1:*****
>    14.
>    15. 1) Fetch all the records with t2.cust_id = 3
>    16. 2) Now again run another query that will do the condition t3.sid =
>    t1.sid on the results returned from point 1.
>    17. 3) continue the same for all the conditions.
>    18.
>    19. Drawbacks with this approach:
>    20.
>    21. For each join, I have to do a network call to fetch the details.
>    Also, it will take more I am running multiple conditions
>    22.
>    23.
>    24. ****Solution 2: *****
>    25.
>    26. 1) Create a map table for every possible join.
>    27.
>    28. Drawbacks with this aproach:
>    29.
>    30. I think, this is not a right approach. So join to table (map
>    table) mapping idea is not right.
>    31.
>    32. pastebin link for the same:
>    33. Please suggest me on this.

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