Hi all,

we have a very simple cassandra table that contains just a single row. We have 
a 3-machine cluster using Cassandra 2.1.8, cqlsh 5.0.1.

I do the following:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS  scheduler_config (name text, suspended boolean, 
modified_ts timestamp, last_scheduled_start_ts timestamp, 
last_triggered_start_ts timestamp, PRIMARY KEY((name)));
INSERT INTO  scheduler_config (name, last_scheduled_start_ts) 
VALUES('scheduler', '2015-01-01T00:00:00.000Z');

Now I do some select * on the table and always receive the same value for  
last_scheduled_start_ts that was inserted ('2015-01-01T00:00:00.000Z').
After 30-60 seconds the select * statement suddenly returns the current 
timestamp (e.g. '2015-10-05T09:00:00.000Z' )instead of the inserted value.
Future select * requests also return this value ('2015-10-05T09:00:00.000Z'), 
so the timestamp does change once but not with every request.

-          If I insert the initial value again, the same happens.

-          If I insert another value (in the past), the same happens.

-          Droping and recreating the table does not change anything

-          Repairing the table also has no effect

On the other hand

-          If I insert a value in the future (e.g. 2016) the inserted value is 
always returned.

-          If I set the second timestamp column, the inserted value for that 
column is always  returned.

-          If I add a second row, the inserted value for both rows are always 

This behavior is really strange and seems to come from Cassandra itself (no 
active client besides cqlsh).

As far as we can tell this behavior started to occur on September 30th 18:00:00 
+0200 (not sure i fit was so from the beginning, at least we did not notice 
this effect).
Before this time was a cassandra restart, as we increased server side timeouts.

Anybody any idea what is causing this problem ?


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