Bingo !!!

Using "LoadBalancingPolicy" did the trick.
Exactly what was needed !!!

Thanks and Regards,

On Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 5:52 PM, Ryan Svihla <> wrote:

> Ajay,
> So It's the default driver behavior to pin requests to the first data
> center it connects to (DCAwareRoundRobin strategy). but let me explain why
> this is.
> I think you're thinking about data centers in Cassandra as a unit of
> failure, and while you can have say a rack fail, as you scale up and use
> rack awareness, it's rare you lose a whole "data center" in the sense
> you're thinking about, so lets reset a bit:
>    1. If I'm designing a multidc architecture, usually the nature of
>    latency I will not want my app servers connecting _across_ data centers.
>    2. So since the common desire is not to magically have very high
>    latency requests  bleed out to remote data centers, the default behavior of
>    the driver is to pin to the first data center it connects too, you can
>    change this with a different Load Balancing Policy (
>    )
>    3. However, I generally do NOT advise users connecting to an app
>    server from another data center, since Cassandra is a masterless
>    architecture you typically have issues that affect nodes, and not an entire
>    data center and if they affect an entire data center (say the intra DC link
>    is down) then it's going to affect your app server as well!
> So for new users, I typically just recommend pinning an app server to a DC
> and do your data center level switching further up. You can get more
> advanced and handle bleed out later, but you have to think of latencies.
> Final point, rely on repairs for your data consistency, hints are great
> and all but repair is how you make sure you're in sync.
> On Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 3:10 AM, Ajay Garg <> wrote:
>> Some more observations ::
>> a)
>> CAS11 and CAS12 are down, CAS21 and CAS22 up.
>> If I connect via the driver to the cluster using only CAS21 and CAS22 as
>> contact-points, even then the exception occurs.
>> b)
>> CAS11 down, CAS12 up, CAS21 and CAS22 up.
>> If I connect via the driver to the cluster using only CAS21 and CAS22 as
>> contact-points, then connection goes fine.
>> c)
>> CAS11 up, CAS12 down, CAS21 and CAS22 up.
>> If I connect via the driver to the cluster using only CAS21 and CAS22 as
>> contact-points, then connection goes fine.
>> Seems the java-driver is kinda always requiring either one of CAS11 or
>> CAS12 to be up (although the expectation is that the driver must work fine
>> if ANY of the 4 nodes is up).
>> Thoughts, experts !? :)
>> On Sat, Oct 24, 2015 at 9:40 PM, Ajay Garg <>
>> wrote:
>>> Ideas please, on what I may be doing wrong?
>>> On Sat, Oct 24, 2015 at 5:48 PM, Ajay Garg <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi All.
>>>> I have been doing extensive testing, and replication works fine, even
>>>> if any permuatation of CAS11, CAS12, CAS21, CAS22 are downed and brought
>>>> up. Syncing always takes place (obviously, as long as
>>>> continuous-downtime-value does not exceed *max_hint_window_in_ms*).
>>>> However, things behave weird when I try connecting via DataStax
>>>> Java-Driver.
>>>> I always add the nodes to the cluster in the order ::
>>>>                          CAS11, CAS12, CAS21, CAS22
>>>> during "cluster.connect" method.
>>>> Now, following happens ::
>>>> a)
>>>> If CAS11 goes down, data is persisted fine (presumably first in CAS12,
>>>> and later replicated to CAS21 and CAS22).
>>>> b)
>>>> If CAS11 and CAS12 go down, data is NOT persisted.
>>>> Instead the following exceptions are observed in the Java-Driver ::
>>>> ##################################################################################
>>>> Exception in thread "main"
>>>> com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.NoHostAvailableException: All host(s)
>>>> tried for query failed (no host was tried)
>>>>     at
>>>> com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.NoHostAvailableException.copy(
>>>>     at
>>>> com.datastax.driver.core.DefaultResultSetFuture.extractCauseFromExecutionException(
>>>>     at com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster.connect(
>>>>     at com.example.cassandra.SimpleClient.connect(
>>>>     at
>>>> com.example.cassandra.SimpleClientTest.setUp(
>>>>     at
>>>> com.example.cassandra.SimpleClientTest.main(
>>>> Caused by:
>>>> com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.NoHostAvailableException: All host(s)
>>>> tried for query failed (no host was tried)
>>>>     at
>>>> com.datastax.driver.core.RequestHandler.sendRequest(
>>>>     at
>>>> com.datastax.driver.core.SessionManager.execute(
>>>>     at
>>>> com.datastax.driver.core.SessionManager.executeQuery(
>>>>     at
>>>> com.datastax.driver.core.SessionManager.executeAsync(
>>>>     at
>>>> com.datastax.driver.core.AbstractSession.executeAsync(
>>>>     at com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster.connect(
>>>>     ... 3 more
>>>> ###################################################################################
>>>> I have already tried ::
>>>> 1)
>>>> Increasing driver-read-timeout from 12 seconds to 30 seconds.
>>>> 2)
>>>> Increasing driver-connect-timeout from 5 seconds to 30 seconds.
>>>> 3)
>>>> I have also confirmed that each of the 4 nodes are telnet-able over
>>>> ports 9042 and 9160 each.
>>>> Definitely seems to be some driver-issue, since
>>>> data-persistence/replication works perfect (with any permutation) if
>>>> data-persistence is done via "cqlsh".
>>>> Kindly provide some pointers.
>>>> Ultimately, it is the Java-driver that will be used in production, so
>>>> it is imperative that data-persistence/replication happens for any downing
>>>> of any permutation of node(s).
>>>> Thanks and Regards,
>>>> Ajay
>>> --
>>> Regards,
>>> Ajay
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Ajay
> --
> Thanks,
> Ryan Svihla


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