John - Why not just just follow the process for replacing a dead node? Why do 
you need to use the same IP? e.g. JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS 


> On 9 Nov 2015, at 05:11, John Wong <> wrote:
> Hi.
> We are running Cassandra 1.2.19, and we are AWS customer, so we store our 
> data in ephemeral storage.
> If we recreate an instance with the same IP, what is the best way to get the 
> node up and running with the previous data? Right now I am relying on backup.
> I was hoping that we can stream the data, but nodetool rebuild is for 
> bringing up a new data center. I just re-created the instance and I don't see 
> much going on except keyspaces are being re-created with some data file. I 
> thought Cassandra would automatically stream data from replicas...
> Ideas?
> Thanks.
> John

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