If the fields are null, COPY TO should just be generating "{field1: null,
field2: null}".

Would you mind opening a ticket here with steps to reproduce:

On Thu, Nov 19, 2015 at 1:05 AM, Vova Shelgunov <vvs...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have a trouble with copy functionality in cassandra 3.0.
> When I am trying to copy my table to file, some of UDTs have the following
> representation:
> {field1: , field2: }
> They have no values, and when I tried to restore this table, this rows was
> not imported.
> Do you plan to fix that, e.g. fill with default values or exclude them?
> Thanks.

Tyler Hobbs
DataStax <http://datastax.com/>

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