
Have you tried another driver to determine if the problem is in the Python 

You can deserialize your composite key using the following code:

              ByteBuffer t = 

              short periodlen = t.getShort();
              byte[] periodbuf = new byte[periodlen];
              BigInteger period = new BigInteger(periodbuf);
              System.out.println( "period " + period );
              t.get(); // null marker

              short tnt_idlen = t.getShort();
              byte[] tnt_idbuf = new byte[tnt_idlen];
              BigInteger tnt_id = new BigInteger(tnt_idbuf);
              System.out.println( "tnt_id " + tnt_id.toString() );

The output is:
period 62013120356
tnt_id 5

From: Carlos Alonso [mailto:i...@mrcalonso.com]
Sent: Monday, November 23, 2015 9:00 PM
To: user@cassandra.apache.org
Subject: Re: No query results while expecting results

Did you tried to observe it using cassandra-cli? (the thrift client)
It shows the 'disk-layout' of the data and may help as well.

Otherwise, if you can reproduce it having a varint as the last part of the 
partition key (or at any other location), this may well be a bug.

Carlos Alonso | Software Engineer | @calonso<https://twitter.com/calonso>

On 23 November 2015 at 18:48, Ramon Rockx 
<ra...@iqnomy.com<mailto:ra...@iqnomy.com>> wrote:
Hello Carlos,

On Mon, Nov 23, 2015 at 3:31 PM, Carlos Alonso 
<i...@mrcalonso.com<mailto:i...@mrcalonso.com>> wrote:
Well, this makes me wonder how varints are compared in java vs python because 
the problem may be there.

I'd suggest getting the token, to know which server contains the missing data. 
Go there and convert sstables to json, find the record and see what's there as 
the tnt_id. You could also use the thrift client to list it and see how it 
looks on disk and see if there's something wrong.

If the data is there and looks fine, probably there's a problem managing 
varints somewhere in the read path.

Thanks for your input.
I converted the sstables to json and found the record, it starts with:

{"key": "00080000000e70451f640000040000000500","columns": 

It's a composite key and I don't know how to deserialize it properly.
Maybe I can setup a test case to reproduce the problem.


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