Same bug also affects 2.0.16 -

From:  Jeff Jirsa
Reply-To:  <>
Date:  Friday, December 11, 2015 at 9:12 AM
To:  ""
Subject:  Re: Thousands of pending compactions using STCS

There were a few buggy versions in 2.1 (2.1.7, 2.1.8, I believe) that showed 
this behavior. The number of pending compactions was artificially high, and not 
meaningful. As long as they number of –Data.db sstables remains normal, 
compaction is keeping up and you’re fine.

- Jeff

From:  Vasileios Vlachos
Reply-To:  ""
Date:  Friday, December 11, 2015 at 8:28 AM
To:  ""
Subject:  Thousands of pending compactions using STCS


We use Nagios and MX4J for the majority of the monitoring we do for Cassandra 
(version: 2.0.16). For compactions we hit the following URL:


and check the PendingTasks counter's value. 

We have noticed that occasionally one or more nodes will report back that they 
have thousands of pending compactions. We have 11 KS in the cluster and a total 
of 109 *Data.db files under /var/lib/cassandra/data which gives approximately 
10 SSTables per KS. That makes us think that having thousands of pending 
compactions seems unrealistic given the number of SSTables we seem to have at 
any given time in each KS/CF directory. The logs show a lot of flush and 
compaction activity but we don't think that's unusual. Also, each CF is 
configured to have min_compaction_threshold = 2 and max_compaction_threshold = 
32. The two screenshots below show a cluster-wide view of pending compactions. 
Attached you can find the XML files which contain the data from the MX4J 

And this is from the same graph, but I've selected the time period after 14:00 
in order to show what the real compaction activity looks like when not skewed 
by the incredibly high number of pending compactions as shown above:

Has anyone else experienced something similar? Is there something else we can 
do to see if this is something wrong with our cluster?

Thanks in advance for any help!


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