On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 4:44 PM, Shuo Chen <chenatu2...@gmail.com> wrote:

>    I have a 4 node cluster with status 3 UN and 1 DN. I am trying to add a
> new node into the cluster but it is also dead. So the cluster is now 3 UN
> and 2 DN. However I didnot run nodetool cleanup on any nodes. And just
> several KBs of data is migrated to this newly added node.
> All the keyspaces are replicated for 3. I am trying to remove this newly
> add node using nodetool removenode. But it hangs for 24 hours with remove
> node status.
> RemovalStatus: Removing token (-9104065154580789913). Waiting for
> replication confirmation from [/,/,/
> Is it safe to use removenode force to remove this newly added node? Will
> any data be lost? Thanks!

In general it is not "safe" to use "removenode" to remove a node from a
cluster, because removenode by definition reduces distinct replica count.

That's why a departing node should always use "decommission," so it streams
the data it has, including any data it might be the only node it has, to
the new nodes responsible for the range.

Your email seems to prompt questions.... It doesn't seem like your "real"
question is about removenode at all?

Why, for example, is your new node you are adding into the cluster "dead"?

Are you trying to replace the original DN with your new node? If so, use

PS - also, what version of cassandra?

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