
Maybe your problem comes from the new role based access control in Cassandra introduced in Cassandra 2.2.


The /Upgrading /section of this blog post is specifying the following:

"/For systems already using the internal auth implementations, the process for converting existing data during a rolling upgrade is straightforward. As each node is restarted, it will attempt to convert any data in the legacy tables into the new schema. Until enough nodes to satisfy the replication strategy for the //|system_auth|//keyspace are upgraded and so have the new schema, this conversion will fail with the failure being reported in the system log. During the upgrade, Cassandra’s internal auth classes will continue to use the legacy tables, so clients experience no disruption. Issuing //DCL <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_control_language>//statements during an upgrade is not supported. Once all nodes are upgraded, an operator with superuser privileges should drop the legacy tables, which will prompt Cassandra to switch over to the new tables without requiring any further intervention./


/As I mentioned, this is just a part of a wider reworking of the auth subsystem in Cassandra planned for inclusion in the 2.2 release. You can check out more detail and follow progress in //CASSANDRA-8394 <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-8394>//./"

This does not seem to be explained in the Cassandra 2.2 Upgrading section of the NEWS.txt file:


Hoping this helps,

On 17/12/2015 18:10, Kai Wang wrote:
I used to able to add/drop users and modify permissions in 2.1.1. After upgrading to 2.2.4, I can't modify any of those. "List all permissions" returns me all the permissions I setup before the upgrade. But I can't add new permission or add new users in cqlsh. "create user" and "grant" didn't report any errors.

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