Why do you think it’s cluster wide? That param is per-node, and you can change 
it at runtime with nodetool (or via the JMX interface using jconsole to ip:7199 

From:  Ken Hancock
Reply-To:  "user@cassandra.apache.org"
Date:  Monday, January 4, 2016 at 12:59 PM
To:  "user@cassandra.apache.org"
Subject:  compaction_throughput_mb_per_sec

I was surprised the other day to discover that this was a cluster-wide setting. 
  Why does that make sense?

In a heterogeneous cassandra deployment, say I have some old servers running 
spinning disks and I'm bringing on more nodes that perhaps utilize SSD.  I want 
to have different compaction throttling  on different nodes to minimize read 
impact times.

I can already balance data ownership through either token allocation or vnode 

Also, as I increase my node count, I technically also have to increase my 
compaction_throughput which would require a rolling restart across the cluster.

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