
What can you share regarding the source from which you are importing data?
Is it a separate cassandra cluster? If so, how many nodes and datacenters?
What is RF (replication factor) of source cluster? How certain are you that
the rows indeed exist in the set of sstables which you are loading into
sstableloader? I ask b/c as a hypothetical, if you load sstables from a
single node from a 3 node single DC source cluster w/ RF=2, you won't be
importing a full set of the data that existed in the source cluster. In the
aforementioned case, you'd need to load sstables from at least two nodes to
have imported a full set of the data, because of the RF (if RF was 3, then
all you would need is a single node. If RF=1, then you'd need all sstables
from all three nodes).

On Fri, Jan 29, 2016 at 7:33 AM, Arindam Choudhury <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am importing data to a new cassandra cluster using sstableloader. The
> sstableloader runs without any warning or error. But I am missing around
> 1000 rows.
> Any feedback will be highly appreciated.
> Kind Regards,
> Arindam Choudhury

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