On Mon, Feb 22, 2016 at 3:58 PM, Yawei Li <yawei...@gmail.com> wrote:

> 1. If  an atomic batch (logged batch) contains a bunch of row mutations
> and all of them have the same partition key, can I assume all those changes
> have the same isolation as the row-level isolation? According to the post
> here http://www.mail-archive.com/user%40cassandra.apache.org/msg42434.html,
> it seems that we can get strong isolation.
> e.g.
> *  UPDATE a IF condition_1;*
> *  INSERT b;*
> *  INSERT c;*
> So at any replica, we expect isolation for the three changes on *a*, *b*,
> *c*  (*a* , *b*, *c* have the same partition key *k1*) -- i.e. either
> none or all of them are visible. Can someone help confirm?

That is correct.

> 2. Say in the above batch, we include two extra row mutations d and e for
> another partition key *k2*.  Will the changes on (*a*, *b*, *c*)  and (*d*
> , *e*) still atomic respectively in terms of isolation? I understand
> there is no isolation between (*a*, *b*, *c*) and (*d*, *e*).  I.e. is
> there a per-parition-key isolation guaranteed?

You can't use LWT conditions (i.e. "IF condition_1") in batches that span
multiple partitions keys.  If you did not include the condition, then you
would get per-partition isolation, as you describe.

> 3. I assume CL SERIAL or LOCAL_SERIAL on reads will try applying the above
> logged batch if it is committed but not applied. Right?


Tyler Hobbs
DataStax <http://datastax.com/>

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