Hi Anishek

they were created from more than a couple of months ago

You then probably free a fair amount of data :-).

 We didn't do any actions that would create a snapshot

You shouldn't have any snapshot unless you drop or truncate a table, call
them through "nodetool snapshot" or run repair without the -pr option. Also
make sure to disable the 'snapshot_before_compaction' option, never see a
case where this was useful or in use, I believe this one is here for
debugging purposes (it is disabled by default). I believe that's all.

i couldn't find the command in 2.0.17

 Added in 2.1.0.beta-1:
https://github.com/apache/cassandra/blob/trunk/CHANGES.txt#L1903 :-).

Alain Rodriguez - al...@thelastpickle.com

The Last Pickle - Apache Cassandra Consulting

2016-03-22 11:10 GMT+01:00 Anishek Agarwal <anis...@gmail.com>:

> Thanks Carlos,
> We didn't do any actions that would create a snapshot, and i couldn't find
> the command in 2.0.17, but i found the respective snapshot directories and
> they were created from more than a couple of months ago so, i it might be
> that i might have forgotten, its fine now, i have cleared them.
> anishek
> On Tue, Mar 22, 2016 at 3:20 PM, Carlos Alonso <i...@mrcalonso.com> wrote:
>> I'd say you have snapshots holding disk space.
>> Check it with nodetool listsnapshots. A snapshot is automatically taken
>> on destructive actions (drop, truncate...) and is basically a hard link to
>> the involved SSTables, so it's not considered as data load from Cassandra
>> but it is effectively using disk space.
>> Hope this helps.
>> Carlos Alonso | Software Engineer | @calonso
>> <https://twitter.com/calonso>
>> On 22 March 2016 at 07:57, Anishek Agarwal <anis...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Using cassandra 2.0.17  on one of the 7 nodes i see that the "Load"
>>> column from nodetool status
>>> shows around 279.34 GB where as doing df -h on the two mounted disks the
>>> total is about 400GB any reason of why this difference could show up and
>>> how do i go about finding the cause for this ?
>>> Thanks In Advance.
>>> Anishek

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