Actually, I was advocating keeping the data directory outside of the
container and using docker volumes to mount the existing files. You would
add something like this to your docker run:

-v <local_host_dir>/data:/var/cassandra/data

As explained here:

Create a "gold" copy of your data directory. Script the startup of the
container with the pre condition being the creation of the target data
directory on the host. One the container starts and c* is online, you will
have a clean set of data online and ready to go.


On Thu, Sep 1, 2016 at 2:49 PM, Vova Shelgunov <> wrote:

> Thank you. Maybe it does make sense to put these sstables inside docker
> image, what will I lose in this case?
> On Sep 2, 2016 12:28 AM, "Patrick McFadin" <> wrote:
>> You can create a custom endpoint script that you will need to add with a
>> docker build. In that script you'll have to do do a wait loop for when c*
>> is up and running.
>> Being a little more creative, you could pre-bake some sstables and then
>> use docker volumes to mount /data on a local file system. As the node
>> starts, it will index the files like you were restoring from a backup.
>> Patrick
>> On Thu, Sep 1, 2016 at 12:32 PM, Vova Shelgunov <> wrote:
>>> Thanks.
>>> As for production I will do it in another way, it is just for
>>> development purposes to provide an easy way to run application on local
>>> machine.
>>> On Sep 1, 2016 10:26 PM, "Jonathan Haddad" <> wrote:
>>>> I wouldn't recommend blindly executing CQL statements on startup in a
>>>> production cluster, IF NOT EXISTS or not.  Those statements don't use LWT
>>>> or anything
>>>> See
>>>> On Thu, Sep 1, 2016 at 12:22 PM Michael Mior <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> This is really more of a Docker question than a Cassandra question but
>>>>> if you include the CQL file in your Docker image, you could just change 
>>>>> the
>>>>> CMD line in your Dockerfile to run the script after starting Cassandra. 
>>>>> You
>>>>> would probably need to add a delay and some retries to ensure the server
>>>>> has finished starting.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Michael Mior
>>>>> 2016-09-01 14:45 GMT-04:00 Vova Shelgunov <>:
>>>>>> I accept both cases. Second will work because I use create if not
>>>>>> exists.
>>>>>> 2016-09-01 21:02 GMT+03:00 Michael Mior <>:
>>>>>>> I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to do. Do you want this
>>>>>>> to be executed once when the container is built or every time the 
>>>>>>> container
>>>>>>> is started?
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Michael Mior
>>>>>>> 2016-09-01 13:57 GMT-04:00 Vova Shelgunov <>:
>>>>>>>> Sorry, I did not specify, that I need to execute cql right
>>>>>>>> after cassandra container start.
>>>>>>>> 2016-09-01 20:52 GMT+03:00 Michael Mior <>:
>>>>>>>>> You should just be able to connect to the Cassandra instance and
>>>>>>>>> execute CQL as you would against any other Cassandra installation. Any
>>>>>>>>> applications wishing to use the Cassandra instance inside the 
>>>>>>>>> container
>>>>>>>>> will require the port to be exposed somehow anyway.
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Michael Mior
>>>>>>>>> 2016-09-01 13:47 GMT-04:00 Vova Shelgunov <>:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>> I wonder if anyone can suggest a way how to initialize
>>>>>>>>>> application schema to cassandra inside docker container (e.g. by 
>>>>>>>>>> executing
>>>>>>>>>> cql file). Is there a way?
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>> Uladzimir

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