Hi Mehdi,

Did you set it same for all nodes in the cluster?
Please check the space between the key and value and also before the key.
Key (data_files_directories, commitlog_directory, saved_caches_directory).
Check the write permission of the parent directory too.

Hope this helps!

Kind regards,
Rajesh Radhakrishnan

From: Mehdi Bada [mehdi.b...@dbi-services.com]
Sent: 23 September 2016 08:58
To: user@cassandra.apache.org
Subject: data file directory path customization

Hi all,

With the new apache cassandra 3.7 version, It is possible to setup a 
customizable path for data_files, saved_caches and commit_log in the 
configuration file (cassandra.yaml)?
I ask the question because during some test, I wanted to setup the path for :

   - data_files_directories
   - commitlog_directory
   - saved_caches_directory

After configuring this 3 variables (parameters) in the cassandra-yaml, I had 
the following issues:

[cassandra@test bin]$ ./cassandra -f
18:54:22.443 [main] INFO  o.a.c.config.YamlConfigurationLoader - Configuration 
location: file:/u00/app/cassandra/admin/CSD1/etc/cassandra.yaml
18:54:22.447 [main] DEBUG o.a.c.config.YamlConfigurationLoader - Loading 
settings from file:/u00/app/cassandra/admin/CSD1/etc/cassandra.yaml
Exception (org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.ConfigurationException) encountered 
during startup: Invalid yaml: 
 Error: while parsing a block mapping; expected <block end>, but found 
BlockMappingStart;  in 'reader', line 188, column 2:

18:59:30.554 [main] INFO  o.a.c.config.YamlConfigurationLoader - Configuration 
location: file:/u00/app/cassandra/admin/CSD1/etc/cassandra.yaml
18:59:30.558 [main] DEBUG o.a.c.config.YamlConfigurationLoader - Loading 
settings from file:/u00/app/cassandra/admin/CSD1/etc/cassandra.yaml
Exception (org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.ConfigurationException) encountered 
during startup: Invalid yaml: 
 Error: while parsing a block mapping; expected <block end>, but found 
BlockMappingStart;  in 'reader', line 194, column 2:
     commitlog_directory: /u01/cassan ...


The first issue was for the data_files_directories, after that I commented it 
out in the cassandra.yaml, and I had the same issue for the commitlog_directory 

Below the setting of my 2 variables:

     - /u01/cassandradata/CSD1/data

commitlog_directory: /u01/cassandradata/CSD1/commitlog

I also tested the syntax with double quote " " -> Same issue

Many thanks in advance for your feedback

Best Regards

Mehdi Bada

Mehdi Bada | Consultant
Phone: +41 32 422 96 00 | Mobile: +41 79 928 75 48 | Fax: +41 32 422 96 15
dbi services, Rue de la Jeunesse 2, CH-2800 Delémont


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