That's a great idea. Even if the results were immediately thrown away,
pre-reading in a JNI method would eliminate cache misses with very high
probability. The only thing I'd worry about is the increased overhead of JNI
interfering with the fast path (cache hits). I don't have enough knowledge on
the read path or about JNI latency to comment on whether this concern is "real"
or not.


On Sat, Oct 8, 2016 at 5:21 PM, Graham Sanderson <> wrote:
> I haven’t studied the read path that carefully, but there might be a spot at
> the C* level rather than JVM level where you could effectively do a JNI
> touch of the mmap region you’re going to need next.
> On Oct 8, 2016, at 7:17 PM, Graham Sanderson <> wrote:
> We don’t use Azul’s Zing, but it does have the nice feature that all threads
> don’t have to reach safepoints at the same time. That said we make heavy use
> of Cassandra (with off heap memtables - not directly related but allows us a
> lot more GC headroom) and SOLR where we switched to mmap because it FAR out
> performed pread variants - in no cases have we noticed long time to safe
> point (then again our IO is lightning fast).
> On Oct 8, 2016, at 1:20 PM, Jonathan Haddad <> wrote:
> Linux automatically uses free memory as cache.  It's not swap.
> On Sat, Oct 8, 2016 at 11:12 AM Vladimir Yudovin <>
> wrote:
>> Sorry, I don't catch something. What page (memory) cache can exist if
>> there is no swap file.
>> Where are those page written/read?
>> Best regards, Vladimir Yudovin,
>> Winguzone - Hosted Cloud Cassandra on Azure and SoftLayer.
>> Launch your cluster in minutes.
>> ---- On Sat, 08 Oct 2016 14:09:50 -0400 Ariel Weisberg<>
>> wrote ----
>> Hi,
>> Nope I mean page cache. Linux doesn't call the cache it maintains using
>> free memory a file cache. It uses free (and some of the time not so free!)
>> memory to buffer writes and to cache recently written/read data.
>> When Linux decides it needs free memory it can either evict stuff from the
>> page cache, flush dirty pages and then evict, or swap anonymous memory out.
>> When you disable swap you only disable the last behavior.
>> Maybe we are talking at cross purposes? What I meant is that increasing
>> the heap size to reduce GC frequency is a legitimate thing to do and it does
>> have an impact on the performance of the page cache even if you have swap
>> disabled?
>> Ariel
>> On Sat, Oct 8, 2016, at 01:54 PM, Vladimir Yudovin wrote:
>> >Page cache is data pending flush to disk and data cached from disk.
>> Do you mean file cache?
>> Best regards, Vladimir Yudovin,
>> Winguzone - Hosted Cloud Cassandra on Azure and SoftLayer.
>> Launch your cluster in minutes.
>> ---- On Sat, 08 Oct 2016 13:40:19 -0400 Ariel Weisberg <>
>> wrote ----
>> Hi,
>> Page cache is in use even if you disable swap. Swap is anonymous memory,
>> and whatever else the Linux kernel supports paging out. Page cache is data
>> pending flush to disk and data cached from disk.
>> Given how bad the GC pauses are in C* I think it's not the high pole in
>> the tent. Until key things are off heap and C* can run with CMS and get 10
>> millisecond GCs all day long.
>> You can go through tuning and hardware selection try to get more
>> consistent IO pauses and remove outliers as you mention and as a user I
>> think this is your best bet. Generally it's either bad device or filesystem
>> behavior if you get page faults taking more than 200 milliseconds O(G1 gc
>> collection).
>> I think a JVM change to allow safe points around memory mapped file access
>> is really unlikely although I agree it would be great. I think the best hack
>> around it is to code up your memory mapped file access into JNI methods and
>> find some way to get that to work. Right now if you want to create a safe
>> point a JNI method is the way to do it. The problem is that JNI methods and
>> POJOs don't get along well.
>> If you think about it the reason non-memory mapped IO works well is that
>> it's all JNI methods so they don't impact time to safe point. I think there
>> is a tradeoff between tolerance for outliers and performance.
>> I don't know the state of the non-memory mapped path and how reliable that
>> is. If it were reliable and I couldn't tolerate the outliers I would use
>> that. I have to ask though, why are you not able to tolerate the outliers?
>> If you are reading and writing at quorum how is this impacting you?
>> Regards,
>> Ariel
>> On Sat, Oct 8, 2016, at 12:54 AM, Vladimir Yudovin wrote:
>> Hi Josh,
>> >Running with increased heap size would reduce GC frequency, at the cost
>> > of page cache.
>> Actually it's recommended to run C* without virtual memory enabled. So if
>> there is no enough memory JVM fails instead of blocking
>> Best regards, Vladimir Yudovin,
>> Winguzone - Hosted Cloud Cassandra on Azure and SoftLayer.
>> Launch your cluster in minutes.
>> ---- On Fri, 07 Oct 2016 21:06:24 -0400 Josh Snyder<>
>> wrote ----
>> Hello cassandra-users,
>> I'm investigating an issue with JVMs taking a while to reach a safepoint.
>> I'd
>> like the list's input on confirming my hypothesis and finding mitigations.
>> My hypothesis is that slow block devices are causing Cassandra's JVM to
>> pause
>> completely while attempting to reach a safepoint.
>> Background:
>> Hotspot occasionally performs maintenance tasks that necessitate stopping
>> all
>> of its threads. Threads running JITed code occasionally read from a given
>> safepoint page. If Hotspot has initiated a safepoint, reading from that
>> page
>> essentially catapults the thread into purgatory until the safepoint
>> completes
>> (the mechanism behind this is pretty cool). Threads performing syscalls or
>> executing native code do this check upon their return into the JVM.
>> In this way, during the safepoint Hotspot can be sure that all of its
>> threads
>> are either patiently waiting for safepoint completion or in a system call.
>> Cassandra makes heavy use of mmapped reads in normal operation. When doing
>> mmapped reads, the JVM executes userspace code to effect a read from a
>> file. On
>> the fast path (when the page needed is already mapped into the process),
>> this
>> instruction is very fast. When the page is not cached, the CPU triggers a
>> page
>> fault and asks the OS to go fetch the page. The JVM doesn't even realize
>> that
>> anything interesting is happening: to it, the thread is just executing a
>> mov
>> instruction that happens to take a while.
>> The OS, meanwhile, puts the thread in question in the D state (assuming
>> Linux,
>> here) and goes off to find the desired page. This may take microseconds,
>> this
>> may take milliseconds, or it may take seconds (or longer). When I/O occurs
>> while the JVM is trying to enter a safepoint, every thread has to wait for
>> the
>> laggard I/O to complete.
>> If you log safepoints with the right options [1], you can see these
>> occurrences
>> in the JVM output:
>> > # SafepointSynchronize::begin: Timeout detected:
>> > # SafepointSynchronize::begin: Timed out while spinning to reach a
>> > safepoint.
>> > # SafepointSynchronize::begin: Threads which did not reach the
>> > safepoint:
>> > # "SharedPool-Worker-5" #468 daemon prio=5 os_prio=0
>> > tid=0x00007f8785bb1f30 nid=0x4e14 runnable [0x0000000000000000]
>> > java.lang.Thread.State: RUNNABLE
>> >
>> > # SafepointSynchronize::begin: (End of list)
>> > vmop [threads: total initially_running wait_to_block] [time: spin block
>> > sync cleanup vmop] page_trap_count
>> > 58099.941: G1IncCollectionPause [ 447 1 1 ] [ 3304 0 3305 1 190 ] 1
>> If that safepoint happens to be a garbage collection (which this one was),
>> you
>> can also see it in GC logs:
>> > 2016-10-07T13:19:50.029+0000: 58103.440: Total time for which
>> > application threads were stopped: 3.4971808 seconds, Stopping threads took:
>> > 3.3050644 seconds
>> In this way, JVM safepoints become a powerful weapon for transmuting a
>> single
>> thread's slow I/O into the entire JVM's lockup.
>> Does all of the above sound correct?
>> Mitigations:
>> 1) don't tolerate block devices that are slow
>> This is easy in theory, and only somewhat difficult in practice. Tools
>> like
>> perf and iosnoop [2] can do pretty good jobs of letting you know when a
>> block
>> device is slow.
>> It is sad, though, because this makes running Cassandra on mixed hardware
>> (e.g.
>> fast SSD and slow disks in a JBOD) quite unappetizing.
>> 2) have fewer safepoints
>> Two of the biggest sources of safepoints are garbage collection and
>> revocation
>> of biased locks. Evidence points toward biased locking being unhelpful for
>> Cassandra's purposes, so turning it off (-XX:-UseBiasedLocking) is a quick
>> way
>> to eliminate one source of safepoints.
>> Garbage collection, on the other hand, is unavoidable. Running with
>> increased
>> heap size would reduce GC frequency, at the cost of page cache. But
>> sacrificing
>> page cache would increase page fault frequency, which is another thing
>> we're
>> trying to avoid! I don't view this as a serious option.
>> 3) use a different IO strategy
>> Looking at the Cassandra source code, there appears to be an
>> un(der)documented
>> configuration parameter called disk_access_mode. It appears that changing
>> this
>> to 'standard' would switch to using pread() and pwrite() for I/O, instead
>> of
>> mmap. I imagine there would be a throughput penalty here for the case when
>> pages are in the disk cache.
>> Is this a serious option? It seems far too underdocumented to be thought
>> of as
>> a contender.
>> 4) modify the JVM
>> This is a longer term option. For the purposes of safepoints, perhaps the
>> JVM
>> could treat reads from an mmapped file in the same way it treats threads
>> that
>> are running JNI code. That is, the safepoint will proceed even though the
>> reading thread has not "joined in". Upon finishing its mmapped read, the
>> reading thread would test the safepoint page (check whether a safepoint is
>> in
>> progress, in other words).
>> Conclusion:
>> I don't imagine there's an easy solution here. I plan to go ahead with
>> mitigation #1: "don't tolerate block devices that are slow", but I'd
>> appreciate
>> any approach that doesn't require my hardware to be flawless all the time.
>> Josh
>> [1] -XX:+SafepointTimeout -XX:SafepointTimeoutDelay=100
>> -XX:+PrintSafepointStatistics -XX:PrintSafepointStatisticsCount=1
>> [2]

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