The data is actually appended. not overwritten.

Strange, can you send exactly operators?

Here is example I do:

CREATE KEYSPACE events WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 
'replication_factor': 1};

CREATE TABLE (id int primary key, events list<text>);

INSERT INTO (id, events) VALUES ( 0, ['a']);


 id | events


  0 |  ['a']

(1 rows)

INSERT INTO (id, events) VALUES ( 0, ['b']);


 id | events


  0 |  ['b']

(1 rows)

As you see, 'a' was overwritten by 'b'

Best regards, Vladimir Yudovin, 

Winguzone - Hosted Cloud Cassandra on Azure and SoftLayer.
Launch your cluster in minutes.

---- On Wed, 12 Oct 2016 23:58:23 -0400Aoi Kadoya <> 
wrote ----

yes, that's what I thought. but, when I use these forms, 

INSERT ... ['A'] 

INSERT ... ['B'] 

The data is actually appended. not overwritten. 

so I guess this is something unexpected? 



2016-10-12 20:55 GMT-07:00 Vladimir Yudovin <>: 

> If you use form 

> INSERT ... ['A'] 

> INSERT ... ['B'] 


> latest INSERT will overwrite first, because this insert the whole list. 

> better to use UPDATE like: 

> UPDATE ... SET events = events + ['A'] 

> UPDATE ... SET events = events + ['B'] 

> These operations add new elements to the end of existing list. 



> From here 

> : 


> These update operations are implemented internally without any 

> read-before-write. Appending and prepending a new element to the list 

> only the new element. 



> Best regards, Vladimir Yudovin, 

> Winguzone - Hosted Cloud Cassandra on Azure and SoftLayer. 

> Launch your cluster in minutes. 



> ---- On Wed, 12 Oct 2016 17:39:46 -0400Aoi Kadoya 

> wrote ---- 


> Hi, 


> When inserting different data into a list type column from different 

> clients at the same time, is data supposed to be combined into one 

> list? 


> For example, if these 2 queries were requested from clients at the 

> same timing, how events list should look like after? 


> INSERT INTO cycling.upcoming_calendar (year, month, events) VALUES 

> (2015, 06, ['A']); 

> INSERT INTO cycling.upcoming_calendar (year, month, events) VALUES 

> (2015, 06, ['B']); 


> In my understanding, each operation should be treated as atomic, which 

> makes me think that even if client throw the queries at the same time, 

> cassandra would take them separately and the last insert would update 

> the events list. (= data should be either ['A'] or ['B']) 


> In my environment, I found that some data was saved as like ['A',B'] 

> in the case like above. 

> Is this expected behavior of list data type? 


> I am still new to cassandra and trying to make myself understood how 

> this happened. 

> Appreciate if you could help me with figuring this out! 


> Thanks, 

> Aoi 



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