Not if you want to sort by score (a counter)

Am 14.01.2017 08:33 schrieb "DuyHai Doan" <>:

> Clustering column can be seen as sorted set
> Table abstraction == Map<PartitionKey , SortedMap<Clustering Column, ...>>
> On Sat, Jan 14, 2017 at 2:28 AM, Edward Capriolo <>
> wrote:
>> On Fri, Jan 13, 2017 at 8:14 PM, Jonathan Haddad <>
>> wrote:
>>> I've thought about this for years and have never arrived on a
>>> particularly great implementation.  Your idea will be maybe OK if the sets
>>> are very small and if the values don't change very often.  But in a system
>>> where the values of the keys in the set change frequently (lots of
>>> tombstones) or the sets are large I think you're going to experience quite
>>> a bit of pain.
>>> On Fri, Jan 13, 2017 at 2:14 PM Mike Torra <>
>>> wrote:
>>> We currently use redis to store sorted sets that we increment many, many
>>> times more than we read. For example, only about 5% of these sets are ever
>>> read. We are getting to the point where redis is becoming difficult to
>>> scale (currently at >20 nodes).
>>> We've started using cassandra for other things, and now we are
>>> experimenting to see if having a similar 'sorted set' data structure is
>>> feasible in cassandra. My approach so far is:
>>>    1. Use a counter CF to store the values I want to sort by
>>>    2. Periodically read in all key/values in the counter CF and sort in
>>>    the client application (~every five minutes or so)
>>>    3. Write back to a different CF with the ordered keys I care about
>>> Does this seem crazy? Is there a simpler way to do this in cassandra?
>> Redis is the other side of the coin.
>> Fast:
>> cal-limit-to-the-number-of-elements-in-a-sorted-set-in-redis
>> 320MB memory for a 2,000,000 email addresses is hard to scale. If you are
>> only maintaining a single list great, but if you have millions of lists
>> this memory/ cost profile is not idea.

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