
are your nodes at high load? Are there any dropped messages (nodetool tpstats) on any node?

Also have a look at your system clocks. C* needs them in thight sync - via ntp for example. Side hint: if you use ntp use the same set of upstreams on all of your nodes - ideal your own one. Using pool.ntp.org might lead to minimal dirfts in time across your cluster.

Another thing that could help you out is using client side timestamps: https://docs.datastax.com/en/developer/java-driver/3.1/manual/query_timestamps/ (of course only when you are using a single client or all clients are in sync via ntp).

Am 24.02.2017 um 07:29 schrieb Charulata Sharma (charshar):

Hi All,

In my application sometimes I cannot read data that just got inserted. This happens very intermittently. Both write and read use LOCAL QUOROM.

We have a cluster of 12 nodes which spans across 2 Data Centers and a RF of 3.

Has anyone encountered this problem and if yes what steps have you taken to solve it


Jan Kesten, mailto:j.kes...@enercast.de
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