Hi All,

Recently I learnt that in C* driver versions 3.1.x and up,  there is a change 
in retry. If the query statement is not idempotent, there won't be any retry 
and by default the queries are considered to be non idempotent.
Hence, even though Retry policy is mentioned while setting up the C* 
connection, incase of a C* read and write timeouts, the driver does not retry 
the read/write operation.
I am now trying to test this by setting the default idempotent to true . 
Unfortunately I cannot change the read and write timeout settings in yaml to 
test this, so am trying to see if there is
An easier way to raise the ReadTimeOut and WriteTimeOutExceptions 
programmatically and then test. However, I haven't had much success .

Any pointers on this would be appreciated.

Thanks and Regards,

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