This is because in 3.0.14, we had to bump the internode messaging version
to fix a nasty bug (it's something we almost never do in minor versions,
but it was necessary here), and schema changes won't cross internode
messaging versions.

You can continue upgrading, and when new nodes reach 3.0.14 they'll get the
new schema versions. Until they all match, schema changes won't propagate

If you REALLY need schema changes to propagate during the upgrade, you
should read the notes on CASSANDRA-13004 and Alex's summary here

But really, you should just upgrade to 3.0.15 and not do any schema changes
until the upgrade is complete (and be aware that having 2 schema versions
during the upgrade is normal and expected).

- Jeff

On Wed, Nov 29, 2017 at 4:05 PM, Jai Bheemsen Rao Dhanwada <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am trying to upgrade the cassandra version from the 3.0.8 to 3.0.14. I
> am adding a new node with 3.0.14 version to 3.0.8. cluster and I see the
> schema disagreement between the nodes and the new node doesn't stream any
> data.
> I am looking at :,
> does this mean, I will not be able to add nodes with the higher version
> than 3.0.13?
> here is what I see in the nodetool describecluster output
> $ nodetool describecluster
> Cluster Information:
>     Name: production
>     Snitch: org.apache.cassandra.locator.DynamicEndpointSnitch
>     Partitioner: org.apache.cassandra.dht.Murmur3Partitioner
>     Schema versions:
>         45ad6427-30a8-3381-9e2c-266b446c6ea7: [,, 
>         c2a2bb4f-7d31-3fb8-a216-00b41a643650: []
> Any work around to mitigate this?

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