On Thu, Feb 22, 2018 at 9:50 AM, Eric Plowe <eric.pl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Cassandra, hard to use? I disagree completely. With that said, there are
> definitely deficiencies in certain parts of the documentation, but nothing
> that is a show stopper.

True, there are no show-stoppers from the docs side, it's just all those
little things--they add up.

We’ve been using Cassandra since the sub 1.0 days and have had nothing but
> great things to say about it.
> With that said, its an open source project; you get from it what you’re
> willing to put in. If you just expect something that installs, asks a
> couple of questions and you’re off to the races, Cassandra might not be for
> you.
> If you’re willing to put in the time to understand how Cassandra works,
> and how it fits into your use case, and if it is the right fit for your use
> case, you’ll be more than happy, I bet.

We are using Cassandra since v2.1 for more than 2 years now, and installing
was never a problem.  It does work and allows us to sleep well, which
cannot be underappreciated.

The problems begin when you need to do operations.  You never know what
exactly will happen when you start a certain repair command or how the
streaming will happen in case of bootstrap/rebuild, and the docs just
aren't detailed enough, so you have go the trial and error path most of the


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