Hi Hiroyuki,

For both operations you'll have to provide partition key so "conflict" at DB 
level can always be resolved.

But if two operations, LWT and non-LWT, are racing against each others the 
result is unpredictable, if non-LWT is applied after LWT the result will be 

It seems mixing LWT and non-LWT can result in strange results, we recently 
opened a bug on non-working delete after LWT insert: 



From: Hiroyuki Yamada <mogwa...@gmail.com>
Sent: Saturday, March 24, 2018 4:38:15 AM
To: user@cassandra.apache.org
Subject: LWT on data mutated by non-LWT operation is valid ?

Hi all,

I have some question about LWT.

I am wondering if LWT works only for data mutated by LWT or not.
In other words, doing LWT on some data mutated by non-LWT operations
is still valid ?
I don't fully understand how system.paxos table works in LWT,
but row_key should be empty for a data mutated by non-LWT operation,
so conflict resolution seems impossible.
It works only if a previous non-LWT operation is completely finished ?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

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