There is a need for a repair with both DCs as rebuild will not stream all
replicas, so unless you can guarantee you were perfectly consistent at time
of rebuild you'll want to do a repair after rebuild.

On another note you could just replace the nodes but use GPFS instead of
EC2 snitch, using the same rack name.

On Fri., 29 Jun. 2018, 00:19 Rahul Singh, <>

> Parallel load is the best approach and then switch your Data access code
> to only access the new hardware. After you verify that there are no local
> read / writes on the OLD dc and that the updates are only via Gossip, then
> go ahead and change the replication factor on the key space to have zero
> replicas in the old DC. Then you can decommissioned.
> This way you are hundred percent sure that you aren’t missing any new
> data. No need for a DC to DC repair but a repair is always healthy.
> Rahul
> On Jun 28, 2018, 9:15 AM -0500, Randy Lynn <>, wrote:
> Already running with Ec2.
> My original thought was a new DC parallel to the current, and then
> decommission the other DC.
> Also my data load is small right now.. I know small is relative term..
> each node is carrying about 6GB..
> So given the data size, would you go with parallel DC or let the new AZ
> carry a heavy load until the others are migrated over?
> and then I think "repair" to cleanup the replications?
> On Thu, Jun 28, 2018 at 10:09 AM, Rahul Singh <
>> wrote:
>> You don’t have to use EC2 snitch on AWS but if you have already started
>> with it , it may put a node in a different DC.
>> If your data density won’t be ridiculous You could add 3 to different DC/
>> Region and then sync up. After the new DC is operational you can remove one
>> at a time on the old DC and at the same time add to the new one.
>> Rahul
>> On Jun 28, 2018, 9:03 AM -0500, Randy Lynn <>, wrote:
>> I have a 6-node cluster I'm migrating to the new i3 types.
>> But at the same time I want to migrate to a different AZ.
>> What happens if I do the "running node replace method" with 1 node at a
>> time moving to the new AZ. Meaning, I'll have temporarily;
>> 5 nodes in AZ 1c
>> 1 new node in AZ 1e.
>> I'll wash-rinse-repeat till all 6 are on the new machine type and in the
>> new AZ.
>> Any thoughts about whether this gets weird with the Ec2Snitch and a RF 3?
>> --
>> Randy Lynn
>> office:
>> 859.963.1616 <+1-859-963-1616> ext 202
>> 163 East Main Street - Lexington, KY 40507 - USA
>> <,+KY+40507+-+USA&entry=gmail&source=g>
>> <> <>
> --
> Randy Lynn
> office:
> 859.963.1616 <+1-859-963-1616> ext 202
> 163 East Main Street - Lexington, KY 40507 - USA
> <> <>

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