
we are running Cassandra in AWS and On-Premise at customer sites, currently 2.1 
in production with 3.11 in loadtest.

In a migration path from 2.1 to 3.11.x, I'm afraid that at some point in time 
we end up in incremental repairs being enabled / ran a first time 
unintentionally, cause:
a) A lot of online resources / examples do not use the -full command-line option
b) Our internal (support) tickets of course also state nodetool repair command 
without the -full option, as these are for 2.1

Especially for On-Premise customers (with less control than with our AWS 
deployments), this asks a bit for getting out-of-control once we have 3.11 out 
and nodetool repair being run without the -full command-line option.

So, what do you think about a JVM system property, cassandra.yaml ... to 
basically let the operator chose if incremental repairs are allowed or not? I 
know, such a flag still can be flipped then (by the customer), but as a first 
safety stage possibly sufficient enough.

Or perhaps something like that is already available (vaguely remember something 
like that for MV).

Thanks a lot,

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